Sundae Driver - hybrid Cannabis Strain by Hytiva

Hytiva's Review on Sundae Driver

印度支那主导的大麻品种Sundae Driver得名于其美味的萜烯配置文件,这使其具有甜美顺滑的味道,类似于带有苦巧克力底蕴的水果甜点。其父本品种是Fruity PGrape Pie的杂交,这两者都拥有各自的甜美果香萜烯配置文件,使它们在大麻市场上受到欢迎。

Sundae Driver特点是其丰富的三酮覆盖层,这表明了它在适当种植、干燥和熟化后的效力和风味,因此在购买这种品种时确保其三酮可见性是明显的。其花蕾具有视觉吸引力,展示出鼓胀和圆锥形的橄榄绿色小块,深紫色底蕴,细小的红橙色毛发,以及覆盖着的细小美丽的白色闪闪发光的三酮。这种品种往往呈现出稀疏混合的各种颜色的色调,如红色、紫色和蓝色,这是其遗传继承的明显标志。

Sundae Driver以类似巧克力圣代的风味配置文件挑逗味蕾,结合了甜美的奶油巧克力味道与轻微的含糖果香呼出气。其香气补充了它的味道,散发出新鲜的泥土味道,混合了甜葡萄糖果和丰富的巧克力味。

使用者表示,Sundae Driver带来了一种欢快和快乐的感觉,常常导致放松的状态,可以缓解进入睡眠,使其成为晚上使用或在压力大的一天后放松的理想选择。一些医疗消费者推荐Sundae Driver用于缓解诸如慢性压力或焦虑、失眠、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)、抑郁和慢性疼痛等状况,为他们提供广泛的症状缓解方法。建议在晚上使用这种品种,因为它可能会导致困倦。

Sundae Driver的THC效力通常在14%至19%之间,尽管有些批次可达到22%,使其成为适合各种用户的中等强度品种。使用者表示,过量使用Sundae Driver可能会导致一些焦虑。在抽烟或蒸汽吸入这种品种时,预计会出现眼睛干涩,因此请随手准备眼药水。这种品种中发现的主要萜烯包括β-榄香烯、柠檬烯和芳樟醇。

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Cannabis Lab Report

  1. THCA 24.0 %
  2. THC 14.4 - 22.2 %
  1. Beta Caryophyllene 6.9 mg/g
  2. Limonene 6.0 mg/g
  3. Linalool 2.2 mg/g
  4. Alpha Humulene 1.8 mg/g
  5. Alpha Pinene 1.0 mg/g

Lineage for Sundae Driver

Frequently Asked Questions About Sundae Driver

  1. What is Sundae Driver?

    The Sundae Driver strain (sometimes spelled Sunday Driver Strain) is an indica-dominant hybrid that is known for its sweet terpene profile and well-balanced effects. Sunday Driver’s THC level averages in the low 20’s. 

  2. What does Sundae Driver mean?

    Sundae driver derives its name from the taste and aroma that’s reminiscent of a sweet ice cream treat.

  3. Where to find Sundae Driver strain?

    To find out if this strain is available in your local dispensary, you can search for it on Hytiva’s Menu page.

  4. Where does Sundae Driver come from?

    The two parent strains of Sundae Driver are a cross between Fruity P and Grape Pie, which are both known for their delicious taste and flavor profiles.

  5. What does Sundae Driver taste like?

    Sundae Driver has a smooth, sweet-and-sour taste like grapes, with notes of fresh earthen berries and undertones of bitter chocolate.

  6. What color does Sundae Driver have?

    Sunday Driver tends to have hues of various colors of reds, purples and blues all intertwined among its burnt orange pistils. These are clear signs of its genetic inheritance as its parent strains can be quite colorful. 

  7. What affects does Sundae Driver have?

    Sundae Driver has been reported by reviewers to provide a clear headed-body high that can come on strong to some consumers. Users have noted that Sundae Driver is a great strain for relaxing in the afternoon or evening without any heavy sedation. 
