
White Runtz

Strain Highlights




White Runtz - hybrid Cannabis Strain by Hytiva

Hytiva's Review on White Runtz

Popular en California, la cepa White Runtz es una que se encuentra en casi todos los lugares y muchos turistas terminan probándola. Sus cogollos curados están llenos de una gran variedad de color que va desde el verde musgoso hasta el púrpura profundo de pequeños rubores amarillos y un poco de bronceado en sus pistilos. Los cogollos parecen caramelos y están cubiertos de una gruesa capa de tricomas cristalinos, que es obviamente la razón por la que se llama "White" Runtz.

El olor y el sabor de la hierba White Runtz es más dulce y frutal que tu cepa de cannabis frutal promedio. Un cruce entre Original Z y Gelato, lleva terpenos que le dan cualidades ligeras de caramelo haciendo que sea una cepa que muchos connoisseurs disfrutan.

Los niveles de THC de White Runtz pueden variar, así que asegúrate de comprobar tus lotes antes de crear una porción para ti. Sus efectos son reputados como maravillosos para los entornos sociales, ya que la ansiedad se disipa y la mente queda deambulando con una luz positiva. Siendo un híbrido indica-dominante algunos críticos han dicho también que sintieron un leve zumbido en el cuerpo que se lleva el estrés y libera los músculos apretados.

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Lineage for White Runtz

Frequently Asked Questions About White Runtz

  1. What is White Runtz?

    White Runtz is a deliciously sweet and candy-like cannabis strain that produces cured buds that are colorful and covered with a white layer of trichomes. It is reputed to have effects that can be great for eliminating social anxiety and providing a pleasant body buzz.

  2. What does White Runtz mean?

    This strain’s name comes from its colorful appearance and candy-like scent and taste.

  3. Where does White Runtz come from?

    White Runtz strain genetics come from crossing Original Z and Gelato.

  4. What does White Runtz taste like?

    The taste of White Runts is similar to its scent. It tends to be candy-like and sweet, with a bit more diesel on the exhale.

  5. What does White Runtz smell like?

    The scent of White Runtz is easy to guess by its name. It is sweet and candy-like with a bit of diesel on its undertone.

  6. What color does White Runtz have?

    Its cured nuggets are filled with an array of color, ranging from mossy greens to deep purples, small blushes of yellows and a bit of tan in its pistils. The nuggets look like candy, and it’s obvious why it’s called “White” Runtz as they’re covered in a thick layer of crystalline trichomes.

  7. What effects does White Runtz have?

    It is reputed to have effects that are wonderful for social settings and some consumers have noted that their anxiety dissipated and their mind was left to wander in a positive light. Being an indica-dominant hybrid, reviewers have also shared that they’ve felt a slight body buzz that carried away stresses and released tight muscles.

  8. Is White Runtz an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

    White Runtz is an indica-dominant hybrid strain.
