Camphene : Know Your Terpenes
Camphene, known as the cardiovascular terpene, is a powerful antioxidant, helps lower cholesterol, and treats skin conditions.
Dubbed the “cardiovascular terpene,” camphene emits a similar smell to pinene and myrcene, being comparable to spruces or fir trees, submerging the senses into damp woodlands and being used in the production of various fragrances in cosmetics and flavorings for cooking.
Though this terpene may not have an entirely distinct smell, it does offer prominent therapeutic qualities, and can be a powerful antioxidant when combined with vitamin C. You’ll find it as an ingredient to topicals that treat skin conditions caused by bacteria or fungus, such as athlete’s foot, psoriasis, and eczema. Its popularity, however, stems from its ability to help lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which is why it’s been used in preventative therapies to maintain health and wellness in regard to our cardiovascular system – reducing the risks of heart attacks and strokes.
A 2011 study published in a Public Library of Science Journal stated that, “Given the critical role that the control of hyperlipidemia plays in cardiovascular disease, the results of our study provide insights into the use of camphene as an alternative lipid lowering agent and merits further evaluation.”
Strains that contain higher traces of camphene include Mendocino Purps, Ghost OG, and Strawberry Banana.
To avoid vaporizing camphene when smoking or cooking cannabis, ensure it’s never exposed to heat higher than its boiling point of 318 degrees Fahrenheit.
And remember when searching for alternative therapies, that terpenes affect each of us differently depending on our body chemistry and what compounds are present that they can act synergistically with.