7 Rules Cannabis Connoisseurs Abide By
According to a Gallup survey conducted in July of 2017, 45% of Americans in the U.S. have consumed cannabis at one point in their life.

According to a Gallup survey conducted in July of 2017, 45% of Americans in the U.S. have consumed cannabis at one point in their life. That’s a huge jump from previous surveys done 40, 20, even 10 years ago. While a great deal of us can remark about our ganja use, only about 12% currently & consistently consume it.
Now look at this consistent 12% - how many do you believe are cannabis connoisseurs?
While surveys aren’t entirely reliable, we can presume that there are not too many actual “cannasseurs” out there, though the circle is slowly increasing. The connoisseurs are the ones starting businesses in the industry, or attending the events that support legalization. Whatever a cannabis connoisseur’s mission, there are 7 rules you’ll find most abide by to remain professional about the subject instead of slumping into the negative connotations society has brought down upon the plant.
1. Refrain from Using the Term "Marijuana"
If you’re familiar with the history of cannabis in America, you’ll note that the term “marijuana” was popularized in the early 20th century during the beginnings of the drug war. It sounded very foreign; “Mexican”, and during this time the U.S. was attempting to make it sound like a horrible drug being brought into the country from the south. It’s overall a term rendered from discrimination and anti-immigration sentiments. While it remains widespread today, especially in the media, a cannabis connoisseur will stay away from the term because of its unfavorable history.
2. Store Your Cannabis with Class
You won’t see a cannabis connoisseur carrying around their buds in a plastic baggy, or wrapped up in a piece of paper. That’s something that is no longer needed as the industry booms and scent-concealing containers rise in popularity. Not only this, but dispensaries sell their product in nice little vessels or pouches that are child-safe. Since a connoisseur more than likely smokes consistently, they’ll be interested in designer containers, bags, or the like.
Discover More: Scent-Concealing Luxury Handbags Making Way to Fashion Industry
3. Keep Up with the Industry
Keep up to date with new inventions and innovations in services regarding the consumption of the plant. If you’re unaware of developments in terpene isolation technology or that ZaZZZ cannabis vending machines are actually a thing, you might get schooled by someone else with a higher connoisseur status than you.
Interested in knowing all there is to know about the sacred herb? Read on: Receive a Higher Education by Studying at One of These Cannabis Colleges
4. Be Pro at Rolling a Joint
Joints are convenient and mimic cigarettes when trying to be discreet. The best of the best cannabis connoisseurs can roll a joint, since they know the frustrations of not having a bowl handy - or how hard it can be to pack one in a crowded location. Having one on hand can be extremely advantageous, and many strains don’t come pre-rolled at dispensaries so one must do it him/herself. It’s a skill that requires tons of practice, and a connoisseur will be willing to learn.
5. Know When & When Not to Consume
What this means is know how you react to consuming cannabis, and time it accordingly. A cannabis connoisseur knows not to smoke strain X before a business meeting, but will smoke strain Y to come up with ideas to present before the meeting. They’ll know that they don’t want to smoke in a huge crowd if the only available strain makes them paranoid, but they will try it if they’re comfortable with a small group of friends. They can control themselves, and have no trouble restraining from consuming if need be.
6. Smoke From Proper Devices
There are a ton of various glass pipes, bongs, etc. fashioned in the shapes of many things, including a wide array of inappropriate orifices. You wouldn’t drink wine from a coffee mug. Don’t smoke cannabis from an alien’s ass.
7. Talk About the Herb Without Fear
A cannabis connoisseur knows that the plant is overall safe, never kills, has been shrouded in lies because of corrupt entrepreneurs in the past, and sees it for what it really is: a medicine and mind-enhancer. You’ll never meet a cannabis entrepreneur afraid to have a conversation about it, or act shy about any aspect of consuming it. They will readily admit to smoking or eating the plant – but of course, they aren’t going to freely offer this information to someone like a federal agent. Don’t be afraid, but be smart.