
5 Strains for Mind-Altering Sound Bath Experiences

Have you ever laid comfortably on the ground with a group of people, an eye pillow atop your face, and the healing sounds of singing bowls and gongs ringing?

5 Strains for Mind-Altering Sound Bath Experiences

Have you ever laid comfortably on the ground with a group of people, an eye pillow atop your face, and the healing sounds of singing bowls and gongs ringing peacefully in your ears?

This is the basic gist of a sound bath - social meditation, with various forms of music, sounds, and instruments used to "bathe" you in sounds that calm the mind and bring relaxation to the body. Private events held in states that have legalized cannabis have been combining use of the plant with these sound baths, giving rise to a new form of entertainment and alternative healing.

Cannabis Sound Baths Thrown by Lord Jones

Lord Jones is a California-based brand that produces topicals high in CBD and edibles with varying amounts of THC. They’ve been known to promote their products via sound baths, allowing their potential customers to sample their products while experiencing a meditative state – all while engaging in a social gathering of like-minded consumers.

Ideal Strains for Sound Baths

  • Blue Dream: This strain will relax you in a social environment, welcoming the presence of others. It’s provides a strong body buzz, so during a sound bath, the sounds vibrating through you are intensified. This then adds to your senses as your mind floats into a creative state, perfect for visualizing and meditating as thoughts freely flow to you as you release negativity.
  • Headband: An indica-dominant strain, you’ll feel this one’s effects as soon as a light, pleasant pressure begins to form around your head. It will relax you starting from your skull and working its way down your spine and limbs. This one is perfect for doing nothing – therefore perfect for sound baths. It isn’t a social strain, rather, will leave your mind spacey and ready for the vibrations of the sound bath to influence thought patterns.
  • Cannatonic: High in CBD rather than THC, cannatonic will allow your muscles to release all tension and leave it slightly tingly with far less cerebral effects. If you’re already in the mood to experience a sound bath and don’t need a mental lift, rather, a physical release, this is a great strain to try for a sound bath.
  • Skywalker: The effects of Skywalker are milder than most indica strains, and won’t cause too much drowsiness. It will relieve the body and mind of stress & negativity while leaving you functional and alert. Mild aches and pains in the body will be relieved so you’re not tense during the sound bath.
  • Alien OG: If you’re amped up before a sound bath, Alien OG will simmer you down and release the excess energy. It’s a strong strain, so use this one before a sound bath if you’re aware of your tolerance levels. Too much might cause you to fall asleep during the session.

Healing with Sound Soon-To-Be Mainstream

Sound healing is actually an ancient technique used by various cultures across the world. Currently, it’s now being re-discovered in the western hemisphere, kind of like where yoga was 15 years ago. Now, yoga is mainstream, and once the facts surrounding sound therapy are trending, it too will be mainstream and well-known about.
