20 Things To Try While Hytened in Las Vegas
I can think of no other city in America that the legalization of recreational cannabis is most welcome. Las Vegas has checked-off another taboo act of pleasure.

I can think of no other city in America that the legalization of recreational cannabis is most welcome. Las Vegas has checked-off another taboo act of pleasure on its bucket list, and now stoners can finally enjoy the entirety of the city without the paranoia of getting in trouble for being hytened on cannabis.
This leaves the door open to a plethora of experiences that need to be tried after consuming the plant – and for all you repeat-visitors, you might have to re-try some experiences after visiting a dispensary. Learn your proper doses, light up a joint or vape some oil, and get your butt on the strip for an experience of a lifetime.
20 Things to Try While Hytened in Las Vegas
*Note: While some of these suggestions may incorporate cannabis in public, know that it is NOT legal to consume cannabis in public. Do so discreetly and at your own risk.
1. Gambling. It’s a given. Put aside a set amount of money to play with at the tables or slots while you’re hytened (and don’t go over just in case you suck at gambling while high). You never know – you might find yourself making better decisions at the poker table!
2. Go to a pool party during the day. Try a strain that stimulates socialization and see who you can meet and what conversations pop up while hytened.
3. Buy an ounce of your favorite strain. Once you’ve tried a few different ones from different dispensaries, buy an entire ounce of your favorite, which leads to…
4. Blaze as much as you can with your smoking buddy within the span of an hour. Get super high, and see what it’s like to roam the strip while you’re in the phantom zone.
4. Try virtual reality. There’s a few spots in Las Vegas that feature virtual reality gear, but our favorite is the free-roaming experience at the MGM Grand where you can play your option of three different games and kill zombies, or robots, or figure out how to solve puzzles with 5-7 other people.
Discover More: Experience Virtual Reality Free-Roaming in Las Vegas While Hytened
5. Get on the Big Apple Coaster at the New York-New York. If you liked roller coasters before, you will probably like them even more while hytened.
Discover More: Rumor: NY-NY Roller Coaster to Become Virtual Reality Ride
6. Attend a Cirque du Soleil show. Their talent and stunts will blow your mind and captivate you entirely - with a variety of shows to suit every person's type of entertainment adventure.
7. Try a buffet to satisfy your munchies. It’s every stoner’s dream: A vast array of foods from various countries, all hot and ready for consuming, all in one spot. That is, if you don’t crave a hot dog or nachos when hytened. Then you can grab something simple and for far less money.
Discover More: Best Vegas Buffets: Calm Your Cannabis Food Cravings
8. See a comedian. They’re always performing in Vegas. Pick one and get incredibly hytened with a strain that’s known to induce the giggles, and get ready to laugh your ribs raw.
9. Party at the Park. For all of you visiting Las Vegas mid-week for discounted events, rooms, and drinks, “The Park” at MGM Grand features free live music starting at 5pm and $5 beers, shots, and wine. This is a perfect spot to mingle, dance, and enjoy the nighttime air of the desert while hytened.
10. Go on an out-of-city adventure. This entails leaving the city, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how rejuvenated you can feel while enjoying the beauty of Nevada with a bit of THC and CBD in your system.
Discover More: 5 Extreme Attractions: Vegas Adrenaline Rushes
11. Hotbox your car. It’s something every stoner has tried. If you drove to Las Vegas, this might be risky to do in a hotel’s parking lot, but drive out of Las Vegas a little bit and find a safe haven. Take lots of water and snacks so you aren’t driving stoned. Didn’t drive? Try an elevator. Just kidding. That’s far too risky, but the idea sounded good in my head. You’re sure to get a ticket for it.
12. Offer a joint as a “pick-up line”. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. If you want to make new friends, why not offer someone a small joint or the opportunity to smoke with you and see where it takes the night?
13. Jam to Bob Marley on the Strip. Turn your phone up or a portable speaker up as loud as it can get and walk down the strip singing along to the king of reggae. It will flush out other stoners and you might make new friends.
14. Find someone to blaze with that’s twice your age or half your age. Do it for the conversations. You might be surprised at what a different generation’s outlook on topics entail.
15. Become an art critic. The Cosmopolitan features galleries of modern art that are waiting for your eyes to behold. Your brain will enter a state of psychedelic euphoria as it tries to interpret the meanings behind them all.
16. Dance under the moving chandelier at Omnia Nightclub. It moves to the music and hovers above the audience like an immense UFO. You’ll be mesmerized and enjoy the fantastic music DJs present at the international nightclub.
17. Party on a rooftop venue. If Omnia isn’t enough, try partying at a casino/resort that features clubs on their roofs or on high floors that overlook the strip. Just don’t do this one if you’re afraid of heights.
18. Visit the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop. It’s the one on the famous show Pawn Stars featured on the History channel. If you’re a history buff, fill your brain with ooh’s and aah’s as you look at all the amazing collectables in the shop. Try to buy something if you happen to have a bit of extra cash after spending on cannabis and gambling.
19. Jump off the Stratosphere. Bungee jump, I mean. It’s 108 stories tall, making it the highest freestanding observation tower in the U.S. Please, don’t smoke too much for this one. We don’t want paranoia or anxiety to set in, but THC mixed with an adrenaline rush can be an out-of-this-world experience.
20. Eat at a 5-star restaurant. If the buffet didn’t soothe your munchies, a 5-star restaurant will. Your taste buds will have their own vacation and you’ll enjoy ever bite, every chew, and every swallow.