Healthier Consumption Methods & Performance Enhancing Strains for Athletes
As we progress towards our fitness goals, we slowly eliminate the unhealthy habits that deter us from leading strong and enriched lives.

As we progress towards our fitness goals, we slowly eliminate the unhealthy habits that deter us from leading strong and enriched lives. Though cannabis can help improve our overall fitness and health, the mere act of smoking cannabis isn’t great for our respiratory system (especially if we consume daily). The mere act of inhaling smoke of any kind that’s as hot as fire containing contaminants isn’t going to bode well for our throats, bronchial tubes, and alveoli sacs within the lungs.
Below are three healthier methods to get your cannabis in your system to prep you for your workout, along with several strains that are known to enhance performance rather than diminish it.
Consumption Methods for Athletes
Juicing & Smoothies
An infused glass of juice or infused smoothie can easily replace a pre or post workout drink, and takes the same amount of time to digest and enter the bloodstream as any other supplement on the market. Consuming cannabis like this is harmless, so long as the proper doses are consumed. You’ll receive the same benefits as if smoking it, except consuming orally often leads towards more intense effects – so know your dosing and how to properly decarboxylate your bud before adding it to your drink.
Vaporizers heat your cannabis at a controlled temp and remove up to 95% of the smoke and carcinogens normally inhaled depending on produce efficiency. This makes it far safer on the lungs and throat. From table-top vaporizers that release vapor into a bag which is then inhaled, to vape pens that take either flower or oil, you can easily find a vape method right for you depending on if you’re consuming at home or prefer the convenience of a pen.
Sublingual Uptake
Cannabis concentrate/oil that’s been decarboxylated can be administered under the tongue and enters the bloodstream far faster than if consuming orally. This is also a harmless way to intake your cannabis, so long as it’s not overdone. Most cannabis concentrates fashioned for sublingual uptake are for patients, so check in with your local dispensary to see if they offer such products recreationally.
10 Strains That Enhance Performance
Blueberry Headband – Boosts energy and focuses the mind.
Flo – Keeps the body feeling light and limber as it uplifts the spirits.
Great White Shark – Releases tension from previous workouts & provides a pleasing body buzz, reading it for the next session.
Green Crack – Provides a remarkable surge in energy while enhancing mood, readying the consumer for advanced activities.
Harlequin – Has higher levels of CBD eliminating pain/tension while boosting energy.
Jack Herer – Allows the mind to enjoy activities with more enthusiasm; good motivator.
Orange Diesel – Keeps the mind focused and alert while boosting overall energy.
Sour Cheese – Enhances motivation and eliminates social anxiety, making teamwork more enjoyable.
Sour Diesel – Surges energy while boosting creativity, a good choice for cross-trainers.
Super Lemon Haze – Provides energy and motivation to get your body moving.