Have you added Cannabis to your Beauty Regime Yet?
After discovering how harmful man-made chemicals can be on our bodies, we venture back into the organic age once again.

Dating back to the 1st Dynasty of Egypt in 3100 BC, makeup and beauty regimes have existed to improve the appearance of both men and women. Over the years styles and fashion change, but basic forms of makeup and cosmetic products remain, merely evolving with time and science. Now, cosmetics are undergoing a transition back towards a more natural approach as we become better aware of the negative effects chemicals can reap on our bodies. Along with this change is the discovery of the therapeutic qualities of cannabis and hemp – an herb that can be incorporated into cosmetic products.
CBD Oil in Cosmetics
After discovering how harmful man-made chemicals can be on our bodies, we venture back into the organic age once again. With cannabis increasingly being more accepted, we've become curious in studying its effects both inside the body, and outside. CBD is mostly known for its pain-relieving qualities as well as helping with seizures, but did you know that it naturally improves skin? This is why you'll begin to notice CBD in a variety of newfound skincare products, advertising how it helps to lock in moisture, lower inflammation (great for around the eyes), and improve the condition of hair. (See our article: The Beauty Behind Hemp Oil for Hair) CBD can be found in lotions, balms, lip balms, shampoo & conditioner, and even mascara! There's an assortment of other products you'll find CBD in as well, and as the industry continues to grow, so will the variety of products you'll find CBD in.
The Big Problem with Today's Cosmetics
A common mistake many women and men have been making this past century is buying beauty products that ultimately ware down our skin and quicken the signs of aging. The makeup of today usually tends to fill in the cracks/wrinkles our skin already has, stretching them wider as our face emits heat and causes the makeup to expand. Chemicals not found in nature are spread over not only our faces but our bodies in scented lotions and salves as we’re tricked into thinking is good for us.
The reality is, most cosmetic products are created in labs. Sure, ingredients are used from nature – perhaps a few drops of lavender oil or a bit of coconut butter. But have you ever looked at the ingredients of your lotion? Your foundation? Your mascara? Can you even pronounce them? They aren’t doing us any good, and those with sensitive skin get the worst of it as some products will cause irritation or rashes. That’s a clear warning sign – when a lotion’s directions state to try it on a patch of skin first to ensure a rash doesn’t break out. Yikes.
Create Your Own Brand
As cannabis continues on its journey towards legalization in the United States, more companies and businesses are beginning to pop up involving the use of the herb. While dispensaries and cultivators are the most well-known, the cosmetics industry also has a chance to expand – and that requires entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid of the plant and the wondrous effects that CBD oil can create to enhance the quality of cosmetics.
Do you own any beauty products that contain CBD? Do you prefer them over conventional products? Share your experience with us below!