
DIY: Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

Cannabis-infused coconut oil is a valuable ingredient to anyone experienced in making edibles or crafting a topical. Coconut oil contains a high percentage of medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs) making it an ideal solvent for THC and CBD. When eaten, it’s heart-healthy, improves digestion, and can help boost metabolism. When applied as a topical, it can make skin both soft and hydrated. But when combined with the medicinal properties of THC and CBD, a whole new spectrum of health benefits prevail. Click here to learn more about the Benefits and Uses of Infused Coconut Oil.

Ingredients Needed:

12 ounces coconut oil of choice
12 grams of cannabis trim or flower of choice
Lecithin (if making a topical)

*Note: Potency of coconut oil depends on parts of plant used along with strain and THC levels. Ratio of coconut oil ounces to cannabis grams should be 1:1, though more or less can be used to raise/lower potency.

Materials Needed:

Large baking sheet
Mason jar
Medium saucepan
Strainer OR cheesecloth
Heat resistant container with lid for finished product

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 hours collectively

Infused Coconut Oil Recipe

1. Decarboxylation
A. Heat oven between 200-250 degrees (240 degrees is ideal).
B. Place ground cannabis on baking sheet in a thin, even layer.
C. Cook cannabis between 40-60 minutes, rotating baking sheet once or twice to ensure even heating.

*Note: Cannabis must go through decarboxylation by being properly heated to activate the psychoactive component, THC.

2. Create Water Bath & Heat
A. Finely crumble cannabis into Mason jar, then add coconut oil. Close with lid.
B. Fill saucepan with 2-3 inches of water and place filled, closed Mason jar in saucepan.
C. Heat saucepan/water just below boiling for one hour, allowing the cannabis and oil to fuse in the jar without overheating.

*Note: If creating for topical use, add lecithin to ensure the cannabinoids cross over the cell membrane. Add until it will no longer dissolve in the oil - just as the oil begins to heat.

3. Strain & Store
A. Pour hot concoction out of Mason jar into heat resistant container (can be a second Mason jar) while using the strainer or cheesecloth to filter out plant material.
B. Squeeze plant material of all liquid before discarding.
C. Cover and store in a dry place.


Et Voila! Your easy-to-use guide to crafting Infused Coconut Oil! You can also click the following link to learn more about the Benefits & Uses of Infused Coconut Oil.
