Hytiva Delivering Recreational Orders, Voted a Top Cannabis Company by MyVegas
As the legal tides shift, a new opportunity lays on the horizon. Recreational consumers that are residents of Nevada can now have cannabis delivered to them too.

If you live in Las Vegas, you're familiar with the billboards that've popped up displaying an ad for cannabis delivery services by Hytiva. They were the first ads of their kind, a chic and respectable public display of a cannabusiness in Las Vegas. Founded by like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals, the company grows on the foundation of easing one's access to cannabis products and providing quality services that meet the needs of their patrons.
As the legal tides shift, a new opportunity lays on the horizon. Recreational consumers that are residents of Nevada can now have cannabis delivered to them too, taking advantage of the services Hytiva provides alongside medical consumers.
The motion for recreational delivery passed just this last week, and the first recreational consumers are enjoying the benefits of this contemporary service brought to us by Hytiva.
If you have a proper I.D.; a driver's license or passport, you can have cannabis products delivered to your private residence - and it's really that simple. This is a step in the right direction for Nevada, leaving some companies hopeful such services will be permitted to extend to hotels in the future.
Be it as it may, the benefits of deliveries to rec consumers is vast. There's no driving to the dispensary, no waiting in lines with tourists, and no need to park or deal with the public. One can go on living life at home, tending to a party or hobby or what have you, with ganja arriving at the door professionally and with discretion.
This is why Hytiva was voted a Top Cannabis Company by MyVegas in February, a local magazine handing residents the opportunity to share their experiences/opinions regarding the businesses of the city.
Hytiva provides access to all the same top quality goods you'll find in your favorite Las Vegas dispensaries, at the same prices, with their menus available to view. You can toggle recreational and medical cannabis options (only prices change) and purchase from multiple dispensaries, with an $85 purchase being the minimum to qualify for delivery.
If you're a tourist without a residence, you can still choose the option for at-dispensary pick-up, with no minimum purchase required. Still skipping the lines, you'll be able to go in and out in a hurry with your products after using Hytiva.
As Nevadan cannabis policies continue to evolve, so shall the services this Top Cannabis Company provides, keeping quality and professionalism senior priorities to enhance the image of a plant that's been hidden from the public for far too long.