
My Experience trying Cannabis before a Gong Bath

Compared to sound healing experiences I've had in the past while sober, trying one of my favorite strains before a gong bath gave me an out-of-this-world experience.

My Experience trying Cannabis before a Gong Bath

I was told that gong baths can be transcendent; that they can take the mind and body on a journey of healing by releasing negative vibrations caught within our energy field.

I tried out a hybrid bought at a local Colorado dispensary and tried this new experience that somehow had beckoned to me. I often have a heightened sense of awareness that can be spiritual when using some hybrids, so this is why I decided to try one before having a new and hopefully profound experience.

High at a Gong Bath in Denver

For an hour and a half I was introduced to the vibrations of various instruments that produce sounds often compared to those of the Universe itself. The sounds came in waves that washed over me, mending themselves to my mind and even causing me to take deep breathes mixed with yawns whenever the volume heightened and peaked.

I could feel my circulation improving, sending heat to the tips of my toes that had been cold before the gong bath started. The deep breathes felt fulfilling, as if oxygen was beyond plentiful in my bloodstream. My muscles remained relaxed but heated, as if busy releasing the negative energy that had bound itself to my aura over time.

As all of this was happening, time went on standby and thoughts turned into visuals. I reached a personal epiphany by the end of the session, and a deep sense of relaxation hung throughout my body and my mind. I felt like I had been emptied of all my old truths and was ready to embrace new ones.

Fellow Meditator Admits to Taking CBD

At the end of the gong bath people could ask questions or make comments. One fellow stood and thanked the musician before admitting he had been feeling anxious and irritated before the session and was relieved of all such emotions towards the end.

He also admitted he'd been taking CBD the past three months and it had been helping him feel similar - as if his energy is vibrating on a higher; more transcendent level. He was comfortable enough to admit this in front of a group of about 20 people and I saw others nod in understanding or whisper curiously to one another.

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The Experience Enhanced by Cannabis

Compared to sound healing experiences I've had in the past while sober, trying one of my favorite strains before a gong bath gave me an out-of-this-world experience. I have to say my visuals were clearer in my mind, I was reaching epiphanies and realizations that caught me off guard, and I could feel the vibrations of the gong and crystal singing bowls reverberate throughout my entire body from head to toe.

It felt as if my senses were sharper, my mind more attuned to what my spirit had to say, and my body was releasing old truths through heat and breath.

Have you ever tried a sound bath after consuming cannabis? I'm curious to see what others have to say. Share your experience in the comments below!
