
Sticky-Icky Fetish in the Bedroom

Consuming cannabis before sex is a thrill those with access to the plant legally (and illegally) are indulging in as stigmas begin falling from its reputation.

Sticky-Icky Fetish in the Bedroom

Consuming cannabis before sex is a thrill for those with access to the plant legally (or illegally) and indulging in it is growing as stigmas begin falling from its reputation. Business surrounding cannabis is booming, and markets are opening their doors to the potential of bountiful profits the plant promises. Can you guess which taboo market is beginning to rise?

You guessed it – the porn industry. Any why not? Fetishes surrounding a plant sound far better than some others out there.

Now, it’s becoming highly popularized as prohibition comes to a close. Before recreational became legalized in a few select states, “weed porn” was limited in finding its actors and actresses from a pool of medical consumers with proper licensing. That limitation is slowly being erased, and the demand for weed porn is increasing.

Pornhub Findings & Statistics

The popular Pornhub website likes to keep record of what’s searched for most, and weed is on the rise. Of the cannabis-related searches, “smoking weed”, and “weed sex” are the top two. Stars most associated with weed are Pinky (from the production “Magical Pinky Weed” where three people smoke a strain and Pinky appears like a genie) and Madison Ivy – both advocates for cannabis that consume during their performances.

The people searching for weed porn are mostly men, ages 18-24. Pornhub also found that men are 117% more likely to search for weed porn than women. In the United States, Vermont turned out to be 41% more likely to search for weed-related products and videos than the rest of the country. In legalized states, weed porn is searched for 14% more often than in states where it is illegal. However, Slovenia searches for weed porn the most out of the entire world.

Considering trying cannabis before or during sex? Read on: Sexploration on Cannabis: Pros & Cons

Private WebCams

As pornography including weed gains popularity, private webcam models are also indulging and profiting off the plant’s legalization. Many sites that show webcam models restrict their activities (they’re not allowed to partake in anything illegal on camera of course) though most of these sites don’t have enough employees and fail to properly monitor their models. They’ll sometimes smoke on camera anyway, only stopping when the very rare complaint is filed.

Ela Darling, a webcam model, told Leafly, “Most cam sites either advise against or prohibit the use of “illegal activity” – they don’t allow it because even if it’s legal in the state it’s still federally illegal.” However, models like Talia Satania have smoked live on camera, often with her audience smoking at home too. She stated, “A lot of my fans smoke so they will join in with me while I’m smoking, so it becomes a little internet smoke circle.”

Read a personal account of smoking cannabis before makin' love: Sex was Different After Smoking Grand Daddy Purple

Weed: Not just for Ingesting

Upon researching this intriguing topic, I came across a GrassCity forum on the subject of weed fetishes. This guy stated that ever since his girlfriend rubbed cannabis leaves on his nether regions, he can’t get it up without it. The herb has taken over his arousal capabilities! While the forum was filled with both useful and silly information, it confirms that using cannabis as a newfound means of stimulation is possible while people are getting more creative with it.
