
Top 5 Meaningful Wedding Rituals Using Cannabis

Traditions have to start somewhere. You can be the first generation to begin a unique wedding custom that incorporates cannabis.

Top 5 Meaningful Wedding Rituals Using Cannabis

Traditions have to start somewhere. You can be the first generation to begin a unique wedding custom that incorporates cannabis. If you're still deciding how to pop the question, consider these: Will You Marry Me: 8 Proposal Twists Incorporating Cannabis.

Now, here's a few ideas for your wedding so you can discuss them with your significant other.

1. Blended Unity Toke

Every consumer stumbles upon a favorite strain or two. A blended unity toke is when the bride and groom take their favorite strain and combine them, smoking the blend from a double-mouthed bong or pipe during the ceremony. The experience can be exhilarating if the couple has never done it before, creating a memorable/spiritual experience. If sensitive to cannabis use, however, it’s recommended that you try the blend before the wedding just to ensure any ill side-effects aren’t too serious (no one wants horrid cottonmouth or short-term memory loss at their wedding).

2. Peace Box

Before the wedding, write several notes to one another declaring your feelings and love as your journey begins together. Keep them secret without letting your partner read them. On the big day, place the love notes in a personalized box along with some nugs of both of your favorite strains (or pick one out together). Ensure the nugs are sealed in an airtight container and place it in the box too. You can even choose to put a special pipe in the box. Seal it during the ceremony (either with a lock, by hammering it shut with nails, or tying it shut with ribbon) and agree to open it when the two of you get into a serious fight. Every couple has their ups and downs, this box will help soften the sway.

3. Canna Var Mala Ceremony

Normally an Indian wedding tradition, a Var Mala ceremony is when the bride and groom exchange beautiful garlands symbolic of the bride accepting the groom as her husband. It can be a playful ceremony, with the friends of the groom trying to keep the bride from placing the garlands around the groom’s neck and vice versa. To give such a fun and beautiful tradition a modern twist, the garlands can have a few cannabis leaves or buds thrown into their design. To further personalize it, the garlands can be made by the bride and groom before the big day with their favorite strains.

4. First Sip Together

Instead of smoking cannabis together during the wedding ceremony, an infused drink can instead be shared similar to the Japanese tradition of taking the first sip of sake as husband and wife. Such a tradition symbolizes unity; drinking from the same cup signifies two lives coming together as one & experiencing this realm with one another.

5. Hemp Hand Fasting

Some ancient wedding traditions, specifically those linked to Neopaganism, hold handfasting ceremonies where the couple is tied together at the wrists while holding hands in the shape of an infinity sign (the couple’s right hands hold & left hands hold). This can instead be done with either hemp rope or cloth, with cannabis leaves or nugs adorning it to signify each other’s bond with one another. Hemp creates the strongest rope, so a hemp handfasting ceremony will surely provide the bride and groom good luck for a long future together.

Also Consider Smokable Bouquets, Boutonnieres & Centerpieces.
