
What Quantity of Cannabis is Best for Me?

If you’ve been paying attention to cannabis products, you might’ve noticed the varying amounts of THC each one of them holds. Containers full of cannabis flower have percentages ranging from 10% to 32%. Edibles generally have serving sizes filled with 10 milligrams of THC.

But what does all this mean to you and how do you determine how much to take?

1. Choose your ingestion method.

Edibles, tinctures, and oils are the easiest to control when it comes to creating a personal serving size of cannabis. Edibles will tell you how much is in each serving. Tinctures and oils usually come with a dropper which is easy to manage.

Raw cannabis flower meant for smoking and vaping is a bit trickier. You can either measure how much you’re taking by weighing how much you place in your bowl/vape pen OR simply by how many hits you take.

2. Determine serving size for edibles.

Take a look at your cannabis product to see how much THC has been put into it. Edibles will tell you how many milligrams are in one serving – which is usually 10mg in the general market and a fantastic starting point for those just beginning their journey into the world of cannabis. If you have a smaller-than-average physique, perhaps breaking a serving size in half to start out would be best just to ensure you don’t overdo it your first time.

If after two hours it didn’t feel like it was enough, you can try again with one and a half servings (15 milligrams).

3. Determine serving size for cannabis flower.

For raw flower to smoke or vape, keep in mind that 15% THC is about normal or average while anything closing in on 30% is saturated with THC. Try weighing the amount of cannabis it takes to load your bowl or vape pen. Write it down and take one moderate hit (not inhaling too hard, not inhaling too soft, but just right). Wait for about 20 minutes to determine how you feel. Depending on the strain, you’ll feel effects immediately or several minutes after smoking/vaping. Dictate whether you’re ready for another hit or if you’re feeling good enough.

If one hit is enough of the strain you’ve chosen to try, you can either conclude that it’s a “one-hitter, quitter” (meaning you only need to take one hit to feel good and no more) OR you can scrape your bowl/vape pen out and weight it again (without the ash) if you’re trying to get technical about the actual quantity it takes to get you high.

4. Determine serving size for cannabis tincture or oil.

Take a look at how many milligrams are in the bottle of tincture or oil. Generally, one dropper full of tincture/oil is between 35-40 drops and a bottle contains about 30 droppers-full. Take the overall amount, divide it by 30 droppers-full, then divide that by 35/40 drops which is the amount (in milligrams) that each drop has in it. Begin by testing out 10 milligrams – the same amount as a general edible. Again, if you have a smaller physique it may be good to begin with enough drops to equal 5 or 6 milligrams first.

After taking your first serving, wait up to two hours just like the edibles – to see if you feel the effects, that you desire. If not, you can try again after two hours with enough drops to equal 15/16 milligrams.

Or Try micro-dosing to get the feel first.

With tinctures and oils, it’s possible to take 2/3 milligrams at a time while spreading your servings throughout the day. Some people prefer taking a few milligrams of cannabis every hour or two to keep them level rather than consuming a big serving size and riding their high like a roller coaster.

Learn More: Finding Your Cannabis Serving Size & Tolerance Level

Have you learned any secrets or methods to determining the right quantity for your body? Share your experience with other Hytiva followers in the comments below!
