Dosi Woah - hybrid Cannabis Strain by Hytiva

Hytiva's Review on Dosi Woah

When we hear the name Dosi Woah, we naturally think of Do-Si-Dos, with Dos was replaced with Woah! And yes, it's supposed to have an exclamation point. This is implying to proceed with caution. This potent yet evenly-balanced hybrid crosses Do-Si-Dos with RBx4.

The reason the breeder chose "Woah!" might have been due to the fact that this bad boy routinely tests over 30% THC! Now you see why "Whoa!" is appropriate.

The dense, tree-shaped buds of Dosi Woah have an even mix of forest-green, gold, and bright orange. The spiraled green leaves appear in flower-shaped clusters, with fiery-orange pistils scattered about. Amber trichomes outline the buds perfectly and add a yellow frost.

Dosi Woah has a musky pine and clover aroma. Combusting this strain yields a sweet clove flavor with a spicy pepper aftertaste.

This potent hybrid reportedly delivers a euphoric haze, with a lucid stimulation of creativity. Some users described focusing being difficult, as colorful thoughts seemed to run about with a mind of their own. Artists, musicians, and anyone ready to do some creative brainstorming might look to give Dosi Woah a try, according to some reviewers. Many users found the sedative, body-buzz, relaxing and effective for the relief of chronic pain. The dominant terpene, Myrcene, might help relax the nerves and muscles, but it just might make that couch extra comfortable as well.

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Cannabis Lab Report

  1. THCA 30.83 %
  2. THC 30.22 %
  3. CBGA 0.78 %
  1. Beta Myrcene 4.0 mg/g
  2. Limonene 3.6 mg/g
  3. Beta Caryophyllene 3.0 mg/g

Lineage for Dosi Woah

Frequently Asked Questions About Dosi Woah

  1. What is Dosi Woah?

    Dosi Woah is an evenly-balanced hybrid cannabis strain, appreciated by fans for its potency.

  2. Where does Dosi Woah come from?

    Dosi Woah comes from crossing Do-Si-Dos with RBx4.

  3. What does Dosi Woah smell like?

    Dosi Woah has a musky clover and pine aroma.

  4. What does Dosi Woah taste like?

    This strain tastes like sweet cloves, and has a spicy-pepper aftertaste.

  5. What color does Dosi Woah have?

    The dense tree-shaped buds of Dosi Woah have an even mix of forest-green, gold, and bright orange. The spiraled green leaves appear in flower-shaped clusters, with fiery-orange pistils scattered about. Amber trichomes outline the buds perfectly and add a yellow frost.

  6. What effects does Dosi Woah have?

    Dosi Woah reportedly delivers a euphoric haze, with a lucid stimulation of creativity. Some users found focusing difficult, as colorful thoughts seemed to run about with a mind of their own. Reported sedative body-buzz and reductions in chronic pain and stress.

  7. Is Dosi Woah an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

    Dosi Woah is an evenly-balanced hybrid, approximately 50% Sativa and 50% Indica.
